
Teaser Choual History X

Teaser Choual History X

That's not exceptional, not even amazing if you compare it with the final movie... If you go back in time, we're far from the feats of nowadays. And yet, who could have imagined that Yokozowner was preparing a video which now has its place at the CS movie Pantheon ?

Trailer Choual History X

Trailer Choual History X

It's THE trailer of the future bombshell of the same name, materialised by Yokozowner. One part is made in 3D, as in the movie ; the other one spotlights pieces of actions, which seem quite wonderful. As for music, it's impeccable.

Choual History X

Choual History X

The CS Movie which introduced Choual ! The introduction is breathtking, players' introductions are very great to see, musics are very lively and frags are awesome !

Choual City

Choual City

In 2006, a new activity had just made its apparition on the website of cs-view: a movie contest. The person who made the movie which resembled the most to a classic of the 7th art won the contest. Here we have the adaptation of Sin City by Jelly: Choual City. Some passages are in french but the comics are in english.

Choual Sensations

Choual Sensations

Video edited by RaZeL. A cool edit, rock musics and a whole community in action ! Only one bad thing, the movie was released with low fps.

The Cs-view concept

The Cs-View Concept

Choual's Promotional Movie directed by TempesT. It's a mix of biggest cs films like Eve or NoA : The TTC

Teaser Top-Choual

Teaser Top-Choual

It's no more and no less a matter of simple teaser, made by Freedox, and which introduces his future productions. Music is really enjoyable, but we could regret the textures used for maps.

Top Choual #1

Top-Choual #1

Directed by Freedox and thanks to the cooperation of a whole staff, the first Top Choual was released on 16th April 2008. Of course the project was expected, but gamers didn't seem keen to send their best actions. There are vocal comments in french !

Top Choual #2

Top-Choual #2

The second and last part of Top-Choual was released less than one year ago and had made a deep impression because of the difficulty to view it

Chouals Domination

Choual's Domination

This is the last Choual's movie edited by Frolanta. He's now working for This movie is particularly enjoyable for its general atmosphere !


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