MAJ3R : France's cs scene prodigy

Engin 'MAJ3R' kupeliLet's move to Turquie France Engin Kupeli aka MAJ3R. This 19 year old guy works in the textile industry with his father who trains him. Regarding his CS career, he gets known when he moved to France G2G, in September 2007. He got involved in the Millenium team in May 2008 were he staid almost two years. Nowadays, MAJ3R plays for France Burning ! since January 2010. While he was playing for Millenium, MAJ3R made some realy good results. He finished third at Dreamhack summer 2009, 4th at Dreamhack winter 2009 and top5 at WCG 2009.
MAJ3R - The Story (beta)

This is the beta movie of the original project started by Frolanta. Remi wanted to make a particular comicstrip-like movie.

MAJ3R - One day

Et voici la movie finale !

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